Jerome Traffic Study

Official Website of the K.A.S.T. Engineering Team

Project Information

Project Constraints

Jerome’s unique topography is the primary reason that road configuration options are limited. The town itself sits on a mountainside at a 30-degree incline, which often causes infrastructure to slide down the slope due to the pull of gravity. Most of the existing streets are lined with retaining walls, many of which are in need of repair. The local government’s primary objective is to keep the historic streetscape while keeping the streets safe and optimizing parking opportunities. The team will need to optimize the use of existing space, rather than base designs off of expanding the surrounding area. These potential challenges will have an influence on designs; however, the historic streetscape will be the only challenge affected by possible modifications. The challenge of keeping the historic streetscape will be addressed by making minimal but impactful modifications that will support the local government’s primary objective.

Design Alternatives

Existing Conditions

-The Town of Jerome is experiencing a high increase of tourism due to increased popularity over the years. This increase in tourism has revealed the need for an increase in parking lots and on-street parking. The existing conditions include faded striping and pavement markings, handmade and outdated signage, and a collapsed parking lot on First Avenue.

Recommended Parking Modifications

-There are multiple areas throughout the project boundary where the stall dimensions and angles were changed to be up to the Yavapai Zoning Manual Code. In the overflow parking lot, 12 new standard parallel parking stalls were implemented. Just north of the intersection of Main Street and Jerome Avenue, the on-street parking was changed from standard 90 degree parking to 30 degree parking. In total, our design increased the parking capacity by 19 stalls.

Recommended Pavement & Curb Marking Modifications

-Before adding new striping within the project boundary, around 840 LF of existing striping is proposed to be removed. In total, our design implements around 8400 LF of new striping and pavement markings.

Recommended Signage Modifications

-Our design recommends replacing all handmade or outdated signs with signs approved by the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. In total, our design implements 13 new directional signs.

CAD Drawings Archive

Final Design CAD Drawings

Gantt Chart

Project Schedule

Internal Team Budgeting

Projected Team Budgeting

Actual Team Budgeting

Details of Final Design